SVA Announces Online Masters Digital Photo Program and Online Info Session on 12/8/2008

I recently corresponded with Katrin Eismann, noted author, Photoshop Hall of Fame member, and Department chair of the School of Visual Arts (SVA) Masters in Digital Photography Program (MPS). I learned that SVA is offering the MPS Digital Photography program online beginning in the fall of 2009. MPS students will complete the fall and spring classes (Advanced Imaging, Color Management, Photo Illustration, Studio Management, etc) online and will then come to New York City to complete their thesis projects, which includes the large format print class, developing a web presence, designing a brand, and producing the collateral for a New York Exhibition. Below is an overview of the program, which looks to me to be a fantastic opportunity:

The Master of Professional Studies in Digital Photography is a concentrated course of studies in both commercial and fine art digital photography that addresses the entire imaging workflow – from image capture and enhancement to online distribution and final display. Under the guidance of leading photographers, retouchers, designers and studio managers, students master the latest tools and techniques to create technically perfect and aesthetically compelling images. In addition to developing a body of work, students become versed in the critical aspects of branding, marketing, studio operations and current business practices.

Image © 2008 June Young Lim (MPS Digital Photography Program Graduate)

Katrin Eismann added these comments about the program: “The curriculum we’ve developed is exceptional, rigorous, and the possibility to complete an accredited online Masters degree with a low-residency aspect in New York City is unique. Just as in the residency classroom we will be limiting the number of students accepted to insure the highest-quality learning and intensive interaction with each instructor.”

An online information session for the program will take place on Monday, December 8, from 6:30-8:30pm. To RSVP for the session, visit, and for additional information about the program, visit .

