Alan Klotz Gallery 30th Annual Holiday Print Sale 12/12-12/21/2008

Over the last few years I’ve enjoyed visiting the website of Alan Klotz Gallery, and I particularly enjoy seeing vintage work dating back over 100 years from artists like Josef Sudek and Edward Curtis. Often, those images are just a short click away from photographs by contemporary photographers, which makes the site that more interesting.

For example, there is an absolutely stunning collection of images by Bob Kolbrener on the site (just search for Kolbrener under “Our Artists.”)

Starting tonight, Friday, December 12th at 5pm, approximately 300 vintage and contemporary photographs will be available for viewing (some framed and some unframed) at Alan Klotz Gallery in New York City. Pricing for the prints will be available on this page of the website starting at 5:00pm to coincide with the show’s opening.

Show Dates: December 12- December 21, 2008
Location: Alan Klotz Gallery
511 West 25th Street, #701
New York, NY 10001

Hours: Wednesday – Sunday, Noon – 6

For more information, visit .

