A while back, I was trying to search for some messages inside of Twitter’s native app, and the results were not very good. Unless I’m doing something wrong, when I searched my user name “from:andrewdarlow” and added the words “QuickPhotoTip,” it only returned 8 out of 12 of my QuickPhotoTips (very odd). So I went searching for a better tool, and I found a free online Twitter search app at Snapbird.org.
After authorizing the app, I was able to add my name and a search term, and it went searching through my Tweets (hundreds at a time). It found all of the QuickPhotoTips, unlike Twitter’s native app. I then wanted to embed them in this article, so I put my thinking cap on and decided to make a PDF via Apple’s built-in PDF tool that allows you to “Print to a PDF.” I then searched for some PDF embed options and remembered Scribd.com, so I used that, and embedded it below via that excellent free tool:
Andrew Darlow’s Quick Photo Tips (001-012) by Andrew Darlow
Just click on the links after any of the shortened tips above, and you will be redirected to my Facebook Page where you can read the full text.
I hope you enjoy the tips! If you’d like to read more, I invite you to LIKE my FB page at https://www.facebook.com/andrewdarlow (there you’ll find 3000+ links to articles, gallery exhibitions, more photography tips, Lightroom/Photoshop videos and tutorials, etc.). Or you can just click on the LIKE button to the right to like the page if you are logged into Facebook. And you can find my full Twitter feed at https://www.twitter.com/andrewdarlow.
I think Snapbird.org is an invaluable resource for anyone looking for anything that has been “Tweeted,” especially if you have specific Twitter users/feeds that you’d like to search.
A few weeks ago, I learned about a very moving Kickstarter documentary project, and shared it on my Photo and Printing Tips Facebook page. In fact, I was so impressed by the project that I became a “backer.” One one level, the project is about some of the world’s most well-known photographers. But it’s much more than that. Instead of trying to explain it here, I highly recommend taking a look at the video trailer and description on the project’s Kickstarter page. They reached their $25,000 goal, but I recently learned that the project will end up costing over $100,000 by the time it is finished, so they created a “Stretch Goal” to help defray the costs (the project ends on July 3, 2013 at 11:25am EDT (NYC time)):
For more information or to help support the project, visit: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1774742582/a-photographic-memory
I recently received an invitation to and was encouraged to spread the word about the End of Year Party and Silent Auction being held on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at the School of Visual Arts in New York City to celebrate the completion of the MPS Digital Photography department’s 2013 Summer Session. The silent auction will help raise money for Thesis Project Scholarships for the Class of 2014.
The School of Visual Arts holds a special place in my heart because when I was just starting out in my career, I took a number of evening photo classes at SVA and every one of them was taught by a working pro who helped instill in me not only many of the technical aspects of what it takes to be a professional photographer, but also how to work with different types of clients, from magazines to ad agencies. Quite a few years later, I was honored to have the opportunity to conduct a lecture for one of Katrin Eismann’s classes (Katrin is the Chair of the Masters of Professional Studies (MPS) in Digital Photography program at the School of Visual Arts), and I later had the honor of  judging a print competition for students who were enrolled in the MPS in Digital Photography program at that time. Over the years, I’ve also visited some of the program’s Thesis exhibitions, and I’ve always been very impressed by the work on the walls, as well as the printed Thesis catalogs that have been produced for the shows.
I know that the funds raised for the event on July 10 will go toward helping some very creative minds move forward in their careers. The event is open to the public, but an RSVP is requested by the hosts. For more information or to RSVP, visit this page.
Below is the full text of the invitation with specific information about some of the items that will be auctioned:
Please join us for the End of Year Party and Silent Auction to celebrate the completion of the MPS Digital Photography department’s 2013 Summer Session and to raise money towards Thesis Project Scholarships for the Class of 2014. All money raised will be matched by (up to $5000) by friends of the department. Meaning whatever you bid will be doubled for the Scholarship Fund!
Please come and join the graduating students, faculty and staff to celebrate with some adult libations and to bid on a wide variety of beautiful prints, photography books and professional services that have been donated by alumni, faculty, thesis advisors, and our professional industry partners. Some of the items to bid on include:
- Signed books by Amy Stein, Chris Buck, Greg Gorman, Jaime Permuth, Robert Herman, and Ellen Wallenstein.
- Prints by Greg Gorman, John Delaney, Jack Reznicki, Jaime Permuth, Robert Herman, and Maryana Hordeychuk.
- Professional Services by Elizabeth Avedon, Stella Kramer, and Michael Foley.
- Products donated by Moab, X-Rite, Ilford, B&H Photo and Mac-on-Campus
We look forward to seeing you on July 10th on the 11th floor!