
Category Archives for "DIGITAL CAMERA"

Review: Recommended Podcast about Travel Photography

A few days ago I had some time to catch up on some of the many podcast episodes I had sitting on my iPod, and came across a particularly informative episode from Derrick Story. Derrick is a talented photographer, and he’s also managing editor of the O’Reilly Network, Mac DevCenter, and O’Reilly Digital Media.

Derrick’s podcast is called The Digital Story, and the specific podcast about which I’m writing is podcast number 35, “Vacation Packing”. Derrick shared numerous travel tips for photographers of any level and I highly recommend listening online or by subscribing to his podcast on iTunes. In addition, podcast 34 has some tips by a guest who will be appearing soon on The Imaging Buffet Book Tour.

I look forward to sharing more “photo-related finds” in the near future.

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