
Category Archives for "DIGITAL PRINTING"

New Online Gallery and 100 Year Anniversary of Professional Photographer Magazine

I subscribe to Professional Photographer Magazine and Professional Photographer Magazine’s e-mail list, and I just received some interesting info through the e-mail list to share. I’ve been to about 20 PPA (Professional Photographers of America)-related conferences and seminars over the last 10 years, and for me, one of the most enjoyable parts of being at the state and national conventions has been seeing the competition prints. They are all sized to approximately 16×20 inches, and the range of photography I’ve seen at every convention is tremendous, including: portraits; sports; weddings; landscapes; still-life; industrial/corporate; and many other specialties.

On Professional Photographer Online, they’ve posted a new online gallery of award-winning PPA Loan Collection images from years past. What’s really special about the gallery is the story that accompanies each image. You can read how each was captured, and what equipment and techniques were used by each photographer. This makes it not just a showcase for great work, but also a fantastic learning tool.


Here’s a tip for using the gallery: After clicking on an image in the gallery, you should allow it to open completely, or the images may get stacked up on each other, requiring you to click the top right box in each image to close each window. That can then cause problems with reading the text when hovering over the images. The images load fast, so you probably won’t ever experience this issue. To avoid the issue completely, just wait for each image to load, which takes about a second or two. According to the newsletter, more images will be added to the gallery in the upcoming months.

I also highly recommend the printed version of Professional Photographer magazine. I’m a subscriber, and I believe that any photographer, whether or not they are a working pro can learn and be inspired from the photographer profiles, techniques, product reviews, news and technical advice that is in every issue. The most recent issue (February 2007) is especially good. The subscription price for 12 issues is under $20, which is a great value, and the most recent issue was over 130 pages. This year is the magazine’s 100th anniversary, which is quite an achievement for any publication. I plan to highlight other imaging magazines in the upcoming months, because I feel so strongly about their value to image-makers of all levels.

There are also many articles available on the Professional Photographer site, including this excellent article and online gallery featuring the work of celebrity photographer Greg Gorman.

Related Links:

Home page for Professional Photographer Magazine

Direct Link to new PPA Loan Collection Online Gallery

All the best,


17 Newsgroups and Forum Sites for Learning More About Inkjet Printing

I was recently asked on a Yahoo!Groups newsgroup where people can learn more about large format printing, so I put together this list of groups to which I subscribe, and modified it slightly for this post.

These are all good newsgroups to consider joining, or websites with forums to consider reading and/or joining to learn about people’s experiences with printing and to hear opinions on many topics related to digital art and imaging. Some are very specific to a particular type of printer, brand or software.

After joining and prior to posting any messages, I recommend reading the list rules and checking the archives to make sure that your question has not already been answered. Also, you have the option of choosing “No e-mail” for your Yahoo!Groups messages, which means that you can go online to read messages, but none will be sent to your e-mail address. I prefer getting my messages sent via single messages to an e-mail account, but that means that I receive at least 100 every day from my 80+ groups.

There are Yahoo!Groups for many different interests, and the main page is here. Another advantage of Yahoo!Groups is that you can run a newsletter in which only you can post to the group. That’s how I currently send out my Inkjet & Imaging Tips Newsletter, which you can see a screen shot of below, and learn more about here.


A section of the welcome page and main interface for a Yahoo!Groups newsgroup/newsletter.

I am one of the moderators of the DigitalFineArt Newsgroup, so I proudly listed that one first:

Enjoy the Groups and Websites!



Photo Exhibition by Dan Burkholder on Display Until 12/31/2006

I just came across this captivating series of images. Photographer, author and educator Dan Burkholder has a photography show of his images entitled Shadows of Lives and Loss: Decaying Memories Along the Gulf Coast, photographed in the Gulf Coast region of the US after Hurricane Katrina. The show is on display until December 31, 2006 at Tammy Cromer-Campbell Photographs & Gallery in Longview, TX.


Dan Burkholder’s Gallery of images from the show can be found here. A very interesting online slide show with audio is also available online. Burkholder, Tammy Cromer-Campbell and Roy Flukinger, the Curator of Photography at the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin speak about the project and I highly recommend listening. You can find the interview here.

On this page, you can select Dan’s series of images or work by other artists to get more information about their prints. I learned about this show from a great website run by Mary Virgina Swanson. I had an opportunity to attend Ms. Swanson’s lecture during the PhotoPlus Expo in November and I was amazed at the amount of great information she shared with the audience. Here’s a link to the seminar description page from the PhotoPlus Expo website. The seminar was entitled: Presenting your work to the fine-art community.

And here is a link to Dan Burkholder’s website. Dan is a longtime friend, and a fantastic teacher, photographer and printmaker.
