
Category Archives for "INKJET RELATED"

Epson’s “Passion of Photography” Podcast Launches

As many readers of this site will know, I’m very passionate about photography, inkjet printing and podcasting. The following news item combines all three of those passions, and I waited a few weeks to listen to a number of the shows that have already been posted before writing this article. If you like to listen to photographers talking about their craft, and how they have been able to succeed in a photographic career, you will enjoy these audio interviews. Each show features a well-known photographer, interviewed by Scott Sheppard, Executive Producer and founder of Inside Mac Media, and host of Inside Digital Photo and Inside Mac Radio.


The guests as of this posting have been: Jack Reznicki, author, educator, commercial photographer, and President of the PPA (Professional Photographers of America); Bob Krist, world renown travel photographer; John Paul Caponigro, Photoshop Hall of Fame member, author of Adobe Photoshop Master Class, an educator and fine artist; and Vincent Versace, an educator, member of the National Association of Photoshop Professionals “Instructor Dream Team,” fine artist, and author of Welcome to Oz: A Cinematic Approach to Digital Still Photography with Photoshop.

Each photographer shares information and advice to the audience in their own unique way, and I highly recommend taking a listen. In my opinion, there is nothing like speaking with, or hearing the thoughts and advice of photographers who produce outstanding work.

The shows are part of the Inside Digital Photo show, which you can find out more about here. On the Inside Digital Photo website, you can subscribe to all of the shows through iTunes, or you can listen online to any of the programs. Just click on Passion of Photography from the “Browse by Topic” section to see all of the “Passion of Photography” interviews.

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301 Inkjet Tips and Techniques Just About to Start Shipping!

After more than 10 years of working with (and occasionally swearing at) inkjet printers, and two years working on the book, I’m happy to announce that 301 Inkjet Tips and Techniques: An Essential Printing Resource for Photographers will begin shipping on October 9. I’ve seen a copy and I’m extremely proud to have my name on it. In addition to the tips that I contribute, more than 20 photographers and other artists have contributed their tips and techniques, and I can’t wait for all of them to see the book.

I also welcome comments and questions about the book. You can contact me on this page.

All the best!



John Paul Caponigro and Mac Holbert to Host Encore Workshop

John Paul Caponigro and Mac Holbert will conduct the Fine Art of Digital Printing workshop for a second time at Brooks Institute of Photography Oct. 29-Nov. 2 in Santa Barbara, California. Their first joint session was held in June and sold out just a few days after it was announced. I’ve known John Paul Caponigro and Mac Holbert for years and greatly respect the work they’ve done to advance the art of digital printmaking and educate thousands of people through seminars like the Epson Print Academy, the Epson Online Print Experience, their books, exhibitions, and other workshops and events.


John Paul Caponigro had this to say about the upcoming four day session: “This workshop format is so unique in that it gives Mac and me the chance to work one-on-one with attendees throughout the week – something that isn’t usually seen with traditional workshops.” Mac Holbert, co-founder of Nash Editions (widely recognized as the first digital printmaking studio in the world) added: “We were thrilled by the enthusiastic response from participants about the first workshop and we look forward to another opportunity to share our knowledge and experience of digital fine art printmaking with others who are passionate about photography.”

For more information or to register for the workshop, visit

On a related note, I just read this info on regarding another workshop (Only two slots are left as of 9/17/2007):

The Greg Gorman Workshop
Guest Instructor – Mac Holbert
October 7 -12, 2007
Mendocino, CA

For more information visit:

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