
Category Archives for "Movies"

Get Access to My 30 Days of Photo-Related Tips: Instructions Here!

Fireworks Highland Park, NJ

Highland Park Fireworks, Highland Park, NJ, July 3, 2019 © Andrew Darlow

Since the beginning of July, 2021 I’ve been sharing photo-related tips, tech reviews, useful apps, and inspiring video content that I’ve found with my main email list. Here are some of the subject lines from the collection (some have been edited a bit for clarity).

1: Some of my Favorite Fireworks Photography Tips (the photo above is from that one)
2: iOS and Android Photo Tips that Blew My Mind
3: A Fantastic Series That Has Inspired My Photography
4: This Video Speed Controller for Chrome Can Save Hours

5: A Simple List App I Never Knew I Needed
6: Another Outstanding List App
7: Fantastic 20 to 25 Dollar Wireless Items Perfect for Photography
8: Another Useful App That I Use Constantly
9: A Highly Recommended Photo-Related Podcast and Short Video
10: A Collection of Fantastic Historic Street Videos
11: How to Quickly Remove Power Lines in Three Apps
12: An Amazing Power Line and Object Removal App for iOS and Android

I did something very similar back in 2019 and the response was very favorable, so I decided to give it another go. The best part about it is that it helps me to dive into topics that I otherwise may not have spent the time to research to the same degree. If you have a list or social media account, you might want to do the same.

If you’d like to begin getting the tips (there are 18 more to go as of today!), just visit THIS PAGE and enter your name and email (you can unsubscribe at any time, and be sure to check your sp*m or Promotions tab in Gmail in case they go there).

Also, if you’d like to be able to read the previous email newsletters in the series, just reply to the email you receive from me and ask! I will then give you access. Here is that page again to sign up to receive the next 18 tips, plus future news, reviews, tips, and more.

Hope you enjoy the tips!

All the best,

Andrew Darlow
Editor, The Imaging Buffet

BookCon 2015 Returns to NYC 5/30-31 – Tips for Navigating the Show and Links

Love Books? I know I do. For the last three years I’ve been attending the BEA (Book Expo America), which is primarily an industry show for the book business. Last year, someone got the idea of running a consumer book show akin to Comic Con, which is a huge event that celebrates all things related to the comic book industry, held annually in multiple cities. I must say that it was a very good idea! Last year’s BookCon show was packed with people celebrating the very wide world of literature, from romance novels to stunning photography picture books (I personally favor these over the romance novels, but that’s just me).


BookCon will be returning to the Jacob Javits Center in New York City on Saturday, May 30 and Sunday, May 31, 2015. Last year was the first running of BookCon, and it was held on one day, but this year (undoubtably due to its success), it’s running for two days.


One of the entrances to Book Expo America 2015 (same location as BookCon 2015). I think Snoopy is starring in a new movie and some new books too!  Photo © Andrew Darlow.

There are panel discussions, author interviews on a big stage and in conference rooms, as well as many, many book signings. One of my favorite interviews/presentations last year was with author and photographer Brandon Stanton of Humans of New YorkBrandon is returning this year, and here’s a link to Brandon’s presentation and poster signing schedule at the 2015 show. I also got to see Grumpy Cat up close, which she didn’t appear too excited about, but I didn’t take it personally :).

Children's Books at BEA/BookCon

An example of what you’ll find at some of the booths at Book Expo America and BookCon. Booth Photo © Andrew Darlow. For more information about this vendor, visit Beaver Books.

A Few Tips for Navigating the Show

Walking the show floor without a plan can be overwhelming, so I recommend taking a look at what’s happening at the show, then decide which talks/booths you’d like to visit. If you want to get a book signed by a specific author, you can bring your own copy (they may or may not have copies of the book available that you’d like to own).

BookCon Ticket Information

BookCon Adult Tickets for Saturday are $35 when purchased online prior to the show and $45 when bought onsite. Sunday tickets for adults are $30 when purchased online prior to the show and $40 when bought onsite. And as I noted last year, definitely consider bringing the kids! A good portion of the show contains children’s books, games, etc. Tickets for children 6-12 are just $5. If last year is any indication of the attendance, I would recommend purchasing tickets in advance. It’s a good way to reduce wait times when you pick up your badge for the show, and to avoid the possibility of it being sold out. I noticed that all the VIP tickets are already sold out for this year’s show.

Viva le Book!

BookCon 2015 Quick Links

Main Show Page
General Info/FAQs
Link to Buy Tickets
BookCon Twitter Feed
BookCon’s Facebook Page


Would you like to read more breaking news and other information about all things related to photography? Visit our Facebook Page here.


A Kickstarter Project About Legendary Photographers…and Much More

A few weeks ago, I learned about a very moving Kickstarter documentary project, and shared it on my Photo and Printing Tips Facebook page.  In fact, I was so impressed by the project that I became a “backer.” One one level, the project is about some of the world’s most well-known photographers. But it’s much more than that. Instead of trying to explain it here, I highly recommend taking a look at the video trailer and description on the project’s Kickstarter page. They reached their $25,000 goal, but I recently learned that the project will end up costing over $100,000 by the time it is finished, so they created a “Stretch Goal” to help defray the costs (the project ends on July 3, 2013 at 11:25am EDT (NYC time)):

For more information or to help support the project, visit:

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