
Category Archives for "NEWS"

Focus on Nature Photography Workshops: Iceland, Summer 2009

I recently corresponded with Einar Erlendsson, Project Manager of the Focus on Nature Photography Workshops, being held in Iceland in the summer of 2009. The list of instructors is very impressive, and includes the following photographers:

Ben Willmore
Stephen Johnson
Joe McNally
Chris Rainier
Kevin Ames
John Paul Caponigro
Vincent Versace
Eddie Tapp
Seth Resnick
Eddie Soloway
Rick Sammon

For more information, visit the Focus on Nature links below:

Focus on Nature home page:
Focus on Nature 2009 program:
Focus on Nature News:

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Adobe Extends Creative Suite 4 Introductory Pricing Offer

I just received an e-mail regarding a decision by Adobe to extend its introductory pricing offer for Adobe Creative Suite 4 until April 30, 2009 (it was to expire February 28, 2009). Basically, that means that if you have a validly licensed version of Adobe Creative Suite 1, Creative Suite 2, Macromedia Studio or Adobe Production Studio, you can upgrade to Creative Suite 4 for the CS3 upgrade price until April 30.

I have included the specific upgrade info below from Adobe’s press release:

The introductory pricing offer applies to Creative Suite 4 Design Premium, Design Standard, Web Premium, Web Standard and Production Premium. For individual point products, customers can upgrade to CS4 from up to three previous versions. The only exception is Adobe Premiere Pro CS4, to which customers can upgrade from any previous version of Adobe Premiere Pro or Adobe Premiere. For more details on pricing, visit

This offer also applies to Creative Suite 4 upgrades purchased through the Adobe corporate and government volume licensing programs. For more information on volume licensing, visit Additionally, Adobe offers discounted pricing to eligible education customers; those discounts are unchanged by the introductory pricing offer. For more information about education pricing, visit

Photographer Ron Wyatt to Speak in NYC 2/20/2009

A good friend of mine, Ron Wyatt, will be speaking this evening, 2/20/2009 at the Apple Retail Store on 14th Street in New York City. Ron will primarily be showing photographs from his recent trip to China, and he will share tips and advice about how he photographed the Olympic Games in Beijing in the Summer of 2008.

Ron’s photographs are fantastic, and you can see many more of his images here.

Location: Apple Retail Store: 401 W 14th Street New York City, NY 10014
Date: Friday, February 20, 2009
Time: 7pm
Admission is free, though seating is limited.

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