
Category Archives for "PHOTOGRAPHY"

I’m Speaking this Thursday 10/23/2008 at PhotoPlus Expo in NYC

I haven’t posted anything here yet about the two hour seminar that I’m giving this week at the PhotoPlus Expo at the Javits Center in New York City. I’ve been busy testing new papers, and revisiting many others that I’ve used over the years. I’m also testing and researching new printers so that I have all the info I need to share my thoughts and experiences.

Below is a description of my seminar (TC8):

How To Choose the Right Inkjet Printers and Papers
Thursday, Oct 23, 2008: 3:45 PM – 5:45 PM

This lecture/demonstration by Andrew Darlow—photographer, consultant and author—covers the following: an overview of pro-quality printers from Canon, Epson and HP; a description of more than 20 recommended inkjet papers (including glossy, fiber gloss, and watercolor); and tips for optimizing print quality with specific papers and printers, such as how to effectively coat papers and canvas for better protection and longevity. Selected prints output from Canon, Epson and HP printers will be on display, and participants will receive more than 25 letter-sized blank sheets of high-end inkjet papers for testing. Handouts describing the papers and products discussed during the workshop will also be provided.

As I count them up, I will actually be giving to each participant more than 40 letter-sized blank sheets of high-end inkjet papers (2 sheets each more than 20 gloss, semi-gloss, fiber gloss and fiber-semi-gloss, matte and watercolor papers) from a number of different companies. These were chosen by me because I’ve tested them and think that they are worth trying (primarily if you have a pigment-based inkjet printer).

There are only 100 spaces available for this workshop. To check pricing, or to register, visit the PhotoPlus Expo website registration page.

About PDN PhotoPlus International Conference + Expo

Designed for professionals in the photographic and imaging industries, PDN PhotoPlus showcases the latest advances in photography, both traditional and digital. Held annually at the Jacob Javits Convention Center, attendees have the opportunity to explore an inspiring array of photography and imaging products and services – everything from image capture and color management to retouching and storage – all from the industry’s leading manufacturers.

The show also offers over 100 photography and imaging seminars and hands-on workshops taught by world-renowned experts with a focus on cutting-edge innovations in digital imaging products and techniques.

More information on PDN PhotoPlus International Conference + Expo is available at:


Quick Review: Rangefinder October 2008 Issue

I just received the Rangefinder October 2008 issue, which is published by Rangefinder Publishing. It is the Fine Art Issue, and weighs in at 250 pages. It is truly spectacular, and that’s why I’m taking time to mention it. As a former Editorial Director of a photo-related magazine (Digital Imaging, and later renamed Digital Imaging Techniques), I know how much work goes into to putting together a magazine (and Rangefinder is much bigger than the one that I worked on).

rangefinderoct2008.jpgHere are a few reasons why I think the issue is so impressive:

• The art portfolios, well-written articles and advice from many photographers, including Eric Meola, Lois Greenfeld, Michael Eastman, Mary McGrath, Andy Katz and others are truly stunning;
• The layout and design of the issue (as usual) is fantastic.
• The imagery and tips from “My Lessons from the Lemon Grove” by Deanna Urs are excellent;
• The new Promo Guide, with special offers on a wide range of products and services is well thought-out and organized;
• John Rettie’s overviews of the Canon EOS 5D Mark II, Adobe CS4 and onOne Software’s Focal Point are very informative.

I was also very happy to see that many of the articles are available as downloadable PDFs on this page of the Rangefinder website.

It’s also great that the printed magazine is free to qualified photographic professionals. You can find the page to submit your information for a free print subscription here.

Over the last year, I’ve contributed some of my images and tips to a few Rangefinder and AfterCapture articles. They are available below for download.

Related Links:

• Rangefinder’s sister publication primarily dedicated to more technical digital photo topics: AfterCapture magazine. AfterCapture’s archives can be found here, and like Rangefinder’s print subscription, the print version of AfterCapture is also available free to qualified photographic professionals. You can find the subscription page here.

• Feature article in the July 2008 Rangefinder Magazine: Andrew Darlow: Serving Up a Buffet of Imaging and Output Tips (downloadable PDF)

• February 2008 article in AfterCapture Magazine to which I contributed images and printing tips: MarketingMojo: Your Future is an Open Book (downloadable PDF)

Gallery Opening in NYC 10/16/2008: Chris McCaw, New Photographs

Michael Mazzeo Gallery is having an opening on Thursday, October 16 featuring the work of Chris McCaw. The series, entitled, Chris McCaw: New Photographs from the Sunburn Series is the artist’s first solo exhibition in New York, and will be on view from October 16 through November 22. A reception for the artist will be held at the gallery on Thursday, October 16, from 6-8pm.

McCaw creates the work in a fascinating way, and each is a unique work, produced in-camera using paper negatives. A more complete description can be found here. Chris McCaw’s work has recently been acquired by The Metropolitan Museum of Art, SFMoMA, The Philadelphia Museum, The Victoria and Albert Museum and The Princeton Museum. His photographs are in the collections of the George Eastman House Museum, the Museum of Fine Arts Houston, Harry Ransom Center of Humanities at the University of Texas, and many corporate and private collections.

For more info, and a nice Flash presentation of Chris McCaw’s work, visit this page.

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