
Category Archives for "PHOTOGRAPHY"

Announcement: APA/NY Portfolio Review + the 2006 APA National Photo Competition

For more than five years I’ve been a member of the Advertising Photographers of America’s NY chapter (APA/NY). As you might expect, the group is made up primarily of photographers who specialize in advertising and editorial work. The APA has regional chapters across the USA and there are many benefits of membership. For example, the APA/NY chapter regularly organizes workshops and photographer lectures at places such as the Apple Store in Soho, NYC, and they are running a very special portfolio review event during advertising week this year in New York City (9/26-27, 2006). I’ve also had the opportunity to speak on the topic of inkjet printing for the New York and Atlanta chapters, both of which were great experiences.


The 2006 APA National Photo Competition with the theme: Show Off! You Know You Want To is accepting entries until 9/22/2006. A very impressive list of judges will choose the winners, in categories ranging from Advertising to Student and Personal/Fine Art.

Winners will receive prizes including: a digital darkroom with a Mac Pro and Cinema display: liveBooks Folio 5.0 packages; Canon EOS 30D Digital SLR 8.2 Megapixel Camera; Fuji FinePix F30 Cameras; Adobe Photoshop CS2; Blinkbid estimating and invoicing software; a one year membership to Digital Railroad; and AsukaBooks of winning images. Winners will also be showcased in the APA online Winners Gallery and at the APA’s booth at Photo Plus Expo in November. For more information, visit APA National’s website.

Announcement: The Center for Fine Art Photography’s 2006 International Exhibition – Deadline 9/26/2006

I recently had the honor of being the juror for an exhibition held at the Center for Fine Art Photography called People, Places, Things: Art Found in Everyday Life. I was extremely impressed by the quality of the work and it’s a pleasure to share this link to the gallery of images that I chose for exhibition: The gallery is on the right side, click on “view exhibit online.”

In addition, the Center for Fine Art Photography is now accepting entries for their 2006 International Show. The deadline for online entries is September 26, 2006.


The juror for the show is Philip Brookman, Senior Curator of Photography and Media Arts for The Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington DC.

The Corcoran is, in my opinion, one of the finest art galleries in the world.

Approximately 40 works from the Center’s gallery exhibition will be selected for a post-exhibition traveling show to the Denver International Airport’s Main Gallery, February 25 through May 21, 2007

There are a number of other awards, including features in Artists’ ShowCase, an eight-page insert in CameraArts magazine, and cash prizes.

More information can be found here:

-Andrew Darlow

Remembering 9/11/01

Seeing images from five years ago today on TV, and especially, all the names of people from my home state of NJ who perished on that day flash across the screen on CNN made me think a lot about the last five years and what New York City has meant to me throughout my whole life. I wish to express my personal condolances to all those who lost family and friends on that day. I would also like to share a link to a website with a very moving gallery of images by photographer Martin Fuchs: The link to the gallery is on the bottom left of the page.

Warm Regards, Andrew Darlow
