
Category Archives for "PHOTOSHOP"

One Day Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Seminar Tour with Scott Kelby in NYC

Scott Kelby, president of NAPP (National Association of Photoshop Professionals), editor-in-chief of Photoshop User, Darkroom, and Layers magazines, as well as co-host of NAPP TV (formerly Photoshop TV). Scott will be presenting the Photoshop Lightroom Seminar Tour in New York, NY on Thursday, June 7, 2007 at the Jacob K Javits Convention Center. According to the press materials, Kelby will teach attendees “how to use Photoshop Lightroom and Photoshop CS2/CS3 to simplify and maximize your digital photography workflow…You’ll see the ‘new digital workflow’ demonstrated LIVE and learn step-by-step how to take your photography to a whole new level of productivity, efficiency, and fun with real world insider techniques that will free your time so you can do want you really want with your photography, rather than repetitive production tasks.”


The seminar is $79 for NAPP members and $99 for non-members. Attendees will also receive a comprehensive workbook, a shortcut cheat-sheet, a “goodies” disc, and recent copies of Photoshop User and Darkroom magazines.

I’ve seen Scott Kelby do Photoshop presentations in person in the past. I really like how he often highlights tips and shortcuts, and he is always entertaining. I’m a big fan of Photoshop TV, Photoshop User and Layers magazines, and look forward to the new NAPP TV episodes, which are free short video podcasts.

For more info, or to register for the one day event in New York City, visit this page.

Related Links:

Link to subscribe to NAPP TV

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom v.1 30 Day Tryout.

Download Adobe Photoshop CS3 or Photoshop CS3 free trial versions.
Related books on


Adobe Worldwide Store– Search for Photoshop Lightroom, Photoshop CS3 and related application suites.

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Why I’m Impressed by JPG MAGAZINE and

I was recently in my local Barnes and Noble book store in New Jersey and came across a photo magazine called JPG MAGAZINE. I had first learned about it from C.C. Chapman’s blog. C.C. Chapman is an über podcaster, new media expert, as well as a talented photographer. What makes the magazine and website interesting to me is this: Prior to the publication of each issue, anyone can upload one image that matches a specific theme, and up to 10 images can be uploaded per day.

Visitors to the site then vote on their favorite images, and according to the site’s FAQ and Voting Info Page: “Getting a lot of votes does not guarantee publication – all photos are reviewed by the editors before publication to maintain a high quality level – but the votes certainly help,” and “The voting is very important because it sorts the photos: the best rise to the top for editorial review.” Photos are then chosen for publication in a printed magazine (currently, the magazine is printed 6 times/year).


The quality of the paper and photographs are excellent. Kudos to the staff of JPG, and even if you don’t submit work, there are many captivating stories and articles with helpful photography tips on the site to see. I submitted a few images, which you can see above. As you can see from the screen capture, you can view the entire issue in PDF form, but I highly recommend subscribing. I have no official connection with JPG MAGAZINE other than being a contributor.

You can go directly to my image of Brother Love, from a recent event called BlubrryJam, held at Canal Room in New York City by visiting this page.

Or to the photo of the Fireworks seen above by visiting this page.

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Star Wars Fans Gather for the 30th Anniversary Celebration of the Original Star Wars Movie

I’m a Star Wars fan. Not a fanatic (not that there’s anything wrong with that), but a fan, and my resident movie reviewer and wife, known as Queen B here in the Imaging Buffet, is a super Star Wars fan (OK, maybe a fanatic-not that there’s anything wrong with that). We both stood on lines with our families in 1977 to watch Star Wars, later named “Episode IV – A New Hope,” when we were about 8 years old. 20 years later, in 1997, we enjoyed it together on the big screen.


The homepage for the 30th Anniversary “Celebration IV” event. Apparantly, even Elvis impersonators love Star Wars.

According to, “Star Wars opened on May 25, 1977, on just 32 theater screens in North America, including Grauman’s Chinese Theater on Hollywood Boulevard,” and “To celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Star Wars, Lucasfilm Ltd. and Gen Con LLC will throw the largest party ever for fans of the saga, taking over the entire Los Angeles Convention Center in May 2007 for five days [May 24 (for Official Star Wars Fan Club members only), and May 25-May 28 (general public)] filled with live entertainment, celebrities from all six movies, special film and video presentations, an exhibit of movie props and costumes, exclusive merchandise sold at a 24-hour-a-day store, pop culture tributes, immersive events, costume contests, and scores of additional activities.

Star Wars is very important to many photographers and video professionals because it combined a powerful and compelling story with extraordinary visual effects. It also helped to fuel the growth of George Lucas’ ILM (Industrial Light and Magic), which was founded to do the first Star Wars film 30 years ago. Photoshop and ILM are linked as well. John Knoll is visual effects supervisor at ILM and together with his brother, Thomas Knoll, they deveoped Photoshop. Here is a great short video interview with John Knoll about his background and the early days of Photoshop. Other related and interesting videos can be found on that page’s “Related Content” section. For a much more detailed history of Photoshop, see this article on

Though I really didn’t recognize the differences, every time my wife saw a reference to the “enhanced” original 3 Star Wars trilogy movies (Episodes IV, V, and VI), she would shake her head and ask “Why did George Lucas do that to my movies?” That’s also why three VHS copies of the original trilogy always had a special place in our home. And somehow, we’ve managed to buy Episode 4, 5 and 6 four times! This has something to do with the fact that my wife had to have the original Ewok song at the end of Return of the Jedi (Ewoks are those cute furry creatures from the forest moon of Endor). My guess is that some folks have bought Episode 4 as many as 6 or even 7 times based on the number of times it has been released on different formats and with different features.

There’s no question that Star Wars has had an effect on the world of digital imaging, science and technology. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to attend Celebration IV, but I want to congratulate George Lucus and everyone involved in the creation of the Star Wars saga for 30 years of incredible movie making. And may the Force Be With You, 30th Anniversary Attendees!

Related Links

Main Star Wars 30th Anniversary Celebration IV site’s page with a link to the Celebration IV site.
Worldwide Star Wars release dates as per IMDB.
An incredible Star Wars Timeline.
Sir Steve Guide
-Contains a lot of good info about the 30th Anniversary
Article: Seven Reasons to Attend Star Wars Celebration IV (LA Times)
Blogger Meet and Greet Party at Celebration IV (open to bloggers and non-bloggers)


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Get 18 months of Unlimited VOIP service from ViaTalk for just $199. Read Andrew Darlow’s review here.

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