
Category Archives for "Tips: Photoshop"

Photo Tips Worth a Look from Derrick Story

As you can tell from my last post about Adorama’s 100 photo tips in 100 days, I love reading tips from other photographers. Some of the best tips I’ve highlighted in the past have been from Derrick Story, and I just came across this great compilation of tips that Derrick has shared with his audience on his excellent blog and podcast, The Digital Story. The tips range from how to protect your camera in the rain with an inexpensive accessory, to how to use iPhoto, Aperture or Photoshop CS3 more effectively. Most are Derrick’s tips, but some are tips that Derrick credits to other photographers and/or magazines. You can find the 50 specific tips on this page. Most importantly, I think the tips just might entice you to grab the nearest camera and do some phototography. Enjoy!

Adorama’s 100 Photography Tips in 100 Days

I had seen an announcement a few weeks back on about Adorama’s “100 in 100” 100 Photography Tips in 100 Days. But I just got a chance to look over the 54 tips that are posted as of today, and I’m very impressed.


There are many great tips from a number of talented photographers that cover everything from testing if your sensor is dusty, to what a high-key histogram looks like. I highly recommend checking it out, and I think all levels of photographers can benefit from many of the tips. In some cases, if specific products are mentioned, they are linked to products in Adorama’s online catalog. Here’s one example: One of the most useful tips that I read had info about securing model releases. A 50 sheet model release form pad was then linked to at the end of the tip.

You can find Adorama’s 100 Photography Tips in 100 Days here.

There are also hundreds of other helpful and well-written tips and articles on the AIRC (Adorama Imaging Resource Center). This is the home page of the AIRC. It’s rare to see so much editorial content on a store’s website (reviews are far more common), but I think that it’s great for photographers to have so many ways to learn more about taking, processing, storing and printing images.

Though a bit different, has an extensive blog-like feature called “Amazon Daily” that highlights a lot of great content across the web. In some cases, like with Adorama’s AIRC, products mentioned will be linked to in’s catalog. You can even customize your Amazon Daily content by choosing from a long list of topics. Stories can then be accessed from your home page at when you log in, or by using an RSS news reader.

One Day Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Seminar Tour with Scott Kelby in NYC

Scott Kelby, president of NAPP (National Association of Photoshop Professionals), editor-in-chief of Photoshop User, Darkroom, and Layers magazines, as well as co-host of NAPP TV (formerly Photoshop TV). Scott will be presenting the Photoshop Lightroom Seminar Tour in New York, NY on Thursday, June 7, 2007 at the Jacob K Javits Convention Center. According to the press materials, Kelby will teach attendees “how to use Photoshop Lightroom and Photoshop CS2/CS3 to simplify and maximize your digital photography workflow…You’ll see the ‘new digital workflow’ demonstrated LIVE and learn step-by-step how to take your photography to a whole new level of productivity, efficiency, and fun with real world insider techniques that will free your time so you can do want you really want with your photography, rather than repetitive production tasks.”


The seminar is $79 for NAPP members and $99 for non-members. Attendees will also receive a comprehensive workbook, a shortcut cheat-sheet, a “goodies” disc, and recent copies of Photoshop User and Darkroom magazines.

I’ve seen Scott Kelby do Photoshop presentations in person in the past. I really like how he often highlights tips and shortcuts, and he is always entertaining. I’m a big fan of Photoshop TV, Photoshop User and Layers magazines, and look forward to the new NAPP TV episodes, which are free short video podcasts.

For more info, or to register for the one day event in New York City, visit this page.

Related Links:

Link to subscribe to NAPP TV

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom v.1 30 Day Tryout.

Download Adobe Photoshop CS3 or Photoshop CS3 free trial versions.
Related books on


Adobe Worldwide Store– Search for Photoshop Lightroom, Photoshop CS3 and related application suites.

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