
Category Archives for "Video"

A Comprehensive Website With Info About Monetizing Video Content

For the last month or so I’ve been a member of the Yahoo!Groups VideoBlogging group. In a very short time, I’ve learned a lot about technology, such as inexpensive video cameras, as well as ideas for how to set up a blog with content. I am planning to launch a video podcast sometime this summer, and I’ve been inspired by many of the members’ work. The group is free to join.

Today, I learned from one of the members of the group about a chart compiled by Scott Kirshner (Editor, CinemaTech), that covers a number of different companies who are working with content producers to monetize (earn income) with original video. There are many opportunities for people who create video how-to’s and even slide shows with audio to earn income with their work. I look forward to exploring this more and sharing what I learn. Here is a link to the chart with the excellent video content monetization options. I found them to be unbiased and easy to read.

Scott Kirshner’s blog, CinemaTech, is also very well written, and covers many topics related to the business side of movie making and new media. Scott also has some self-published books on is a site that allows authors and other content producers to produce hardcopy books, e-books, and other media and then sell them on-demand. There are also free excerpts from at least one of his books available as downloadable PDFs on that page.

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