
Category Archives for "WINDOWS"

Tip: Great website for choosing web-safe colors

Have you ever had to choose a logo, background or type color for display on a web page? Often they are described in numbers or letters–something like this: #999966 (a brownish/green), or #00FFFF (an aqua blue).

I just came across a really great article, filled with information about web-safe colors and how to avoid dithering when choosing colors. In addition, the site just looks great (like a trip through Willy Wonka’s crayon factory–if he had one). What really makes it special is the fact that the site has not only 216 web-safe swatches for Windows and Mac users, but it also shows text in over 200 colors.


Screen shot of a web-safe color chart on

You can find the page at and I plan to be a frequent visitor to the site. While you’re there, check out the many other resources and tutorials. Here’s a quote from the site to leave you with: “We use (and teach) valid HTML and CSS, for your comfort and safety.”

Comfort, safety and nice colors to choose from. What could be better on a Monday morning? Enjoy!


Review: PhotoPlus Expo NYC Overview

I’ve just about recovered from three great days at the PhotoPlus Expo in New York City, Nov 2-4, 2006. I’ve been coming to the fall photo show for about the last 10 years (it has had a few different names over the years). The primary changes that I observed over about the last five to ten years has been the adoption of digital capture and digital output by the vast majority of professional photographers and photo labs/service bureaus.


The main entrance to the PhotoPlus Expo at the Jacob Javits Center

The educational seminars I attended were outstanding, and the sheer number and variety of seminars was truly impressive. Some of the topics covered were digital workflow, retouching with Adobe Photoshop, inkjet printing, how to be successful in the fine-art world and how to market yourself better as a working photographer.

I also had some time to see many products on the show floor (or as I like to call it: The Photographer’s Candy Store).

Over the next few days I’ll be posting news and interviews in a series of podcasts, with links to some of the products I came across at the show. Stay tuned! If you weren’t able to make it, here’s an article from one photographer’s perspective (Steve Simon) which can be found on’s site. I contributed a few paragraphs in which I covered some of the inkjet-related offerings at this year’s show.

Announcement: LiveBooks|EDU launched with affordable portfolio solutions for students & teachers


For the last few years, I’ve seen about 50 online portfolios from photographers who use LiveBooks software. The sites really stand out because they look very slick, contain large images (much like a printed portfolio) and have easy to navigate thumbnails.

The following information, describing the company’s subscription-based service for students and teachers, comes from a recent press release: LiveBooks recently announced it will provide a subscription based package for students and teachers of photography for its award-winning Web-based portfolio software. LiveBooks Lite provides users with the ability to create up to three individual portfolios with each portfolio capable of housing up to 64 images. LiveBooks Deluxe offers virtually unlimited portfolios. Both versions enable photographers to create multiple libraries to store and organize approximately 1,000 images waiting to be rotated into their online portfolios. LiveBooks|EDU Lite and Deluxe are available for monthly subscription rates of 29.95 and $59.95, respectively. The monthly subscription price includes Website hosting by LiveBooks Inc. and a unique method for entering metadata to bring a LiveBooks Website to the top of Web searches.

The pro-level versions of LiveBooks (not the student & teacher version) is sold for a one-time fee of $950-3900 (depending upon the package selected) on the website. For more information, visit and
