Fantastic Article about How to Get Publicity

This just came through my e-mail in-box. Author and consultant Barney Davey was recently given permission to reprint a great article by Melissa Cassera of Cassera Communications on the topic of how to get publicity.

If you’d like to rub shoulders with Oprah (ever heard of the “Oprah Effect?”), or Conan (did you see the great appearance by microscopic artist Willard Wigan on his show not too long ago?), or get a nice writeup in your local newspaper, you should read the article, which you can find here.

I recently wrote in my column on RedDogJournal.com about how much I’ve learned from artprintissues.com as well as Barney Davey’s book, How to Profit from the Art Print Market. Here’s what I wrote:

I recently finished reading Davey’s book, How to Profit from the Art Print Market. It is a fantastic resource for anyone who would like to sell art. Just the links section in the back of the book is well worth the cost. You can find a link to it as well as a free Chapter download on the Artprintissues.com blog (top right-hand corner).


  • Barney Davey says:

    Hi Andrew,

    Thank you for your kind words about my book and blog. Comments like yours validate the work as both primarily are a labor of love. I\\\’m sure there is more money in peddling get filthy rich overnight schemes than in writing about business for visual artists. However, I\\\’m equally sure there is far less satisfaction in such endeavors.



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