Great Article Links: A Video Guide to RSS, Screencasting and All About Web Color

On a visit to Robin Good’s website this morning, (as usual) I came across many interesting original articles and highlighted articles from other sites. Here are three of my favorites that I thought you might enjoy:

1. RSS VIDEO: This three minute video describes RSS (Real Simple Syndication) with step-by-step advice for getting started as a reader or publisher. It was created by Lee and Satchi LeFever of the show and I highly recommend it if you are unsure exactly what RSS is. It’s also nicely presented in a low-tech, but effective way.


2. COLOR THEORY & COLOR GUIDANCE: Within this article by Robin Good about Blog Design I came across a link to a previous article by Good entitled: “How to Select Perfectly Matching Color Combinations.”

In the article, I found a fascinating link from, filled with a lot of info about color theory, and learned that Sir Isaac Newton designed the first circular color diagram in 1666. You never know when that piece of trivia will come in handy!


3. SCREENCASTING: Also on the home page this morning was an excellent article on screencasting by, including how to prepare and what software programs will do the job, whether you use Windows or Mac. Screencasting is the recording of the video and/or audio of what’s on your monitor(s).

One excellent application for Mac OSX not mentioned in the article is iShowU from


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