Kingston Technology’s ‘Icons of Photography’ Critique Viewer-Submitted Photos

Over the last few months I’ve reported on Kingston Technology’s mini site, which features a number of well-known photographers. The newest interactive feature, called Critique My Image was recently launched, and includes photographs by people from around the world.


On the site, twenty photographs are critiqued by world-renowned photojournalist Harry Benson, internationally-acclaimed photojournalist and advertising photographer Colin Finlay, National Geographic photographer Gerd Ludwig and Sports Illustrated photographer Peter Read Miller.

I really enjoyed looking at the images and reading the comments. I thought that the suggestions made were very good, and I was particularly impressed by those offered by Colin Finlay. Finlay commented about not just individual images, but about how the order of individual images in a portfolio can make a stronger impression.

Also very interesting was a before and after look at a few photographs by a few different photographers (critiqued by Gerd Ludwig). By dragging your mouse across the screen, you will see Gerd’s suggested edits as well as the original photos supplied by photographers.


Before and after look at an image based on the suggestions of Kinston Icon Gerd Ludwig. Photo © Ryan Picard

The Kingston Icons of Photography mini site can be found at


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