Kingston’s Icons of Photography site features Questions with Harry Benson

On July 19, 20 questions and answers with legendary photojournalist Harry Benson were posted on Kingston Technology Company’s ‘Icons of Photography’ microsite.

I found the questions to be very interesting, and Benson’s answers to be frank and quite humorous at times. There is no question that Harry Benson has witnessed some incredible moments in history. There are a number of photos (primarily of political figures) that can be seen nearly full page by selecting any of the thumbnails at the bottom of the page. The Archive section on the right will take you to many more images, tips and advice from other Kingston Icons.


To read some of the previous articles that I’ve written about the Kingston Icons of Photography site, do a search in the top right section of this site for “Kingston Icons” (just check the button next to The Imaging Buffet first).

And here’s a great link to an excellent audio interview with Harry Benson by Scott Sheppard from Inside Digital Photo.Sponsored Links

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