News: “Mastering Digital Color” book by David Saffir & Related Resources

Mastering Digital Color is a new 272-page softcover book written by California-based photographer and printmaker David Saffir. In the book, Saffir looks at color management from the perspective of serious amateur and professional photographers. “I’ve focused on helping readers make choices for themselves that improve quality and productivity, and reduce costs,” says Saffir.


I’ve known David Saffir for years. He truly understands digital color and digital output, and he’s also a very talented photographer. I highly recommend taking a look at his website. On it, he has a free sample chapter from the book available for download. It contains a lot of excellent info about color spaces, scanning, shooting in RAW, and step-by-step digital workflow advice. David will also be teaching a series of full-day workshops starting in February, 2007.

