ADIM Conference Coming Soon to San Jose, CA: 4/30-5/3, 2008

The 11th Art Directors Invitational Master Class (ADIM) is coming to San Jose, CA April 30-May 3, 2008. In 2004 I attended ADIM7 in Santa Monica, California, and it was absolutely fantastic. The Host of ADIM is Russell Brown, Senior Art Director at Adobe Systems. Russell Brown is not just an expert in Photoshop and many other Adobe applications, but someone who really knows how to entertain and inspire attendees. The ADIM conference is also a great place to meet and share ideas with many other creative professionals.


The focus of the 2008 event is Photoshop, InDesign and Flash, and in the tradition of ADIM, there is a theme. This year, it’s “Classic Movie Monsters by Design.” During the event, participants will create their own highly personalized designs for a classic horror film. As described on the conference website, “ADIM is the essential three-day, hands on instructional course that brings top art directors, designers, illustrators and photographers together to learn advanced tips and techniques using Adobe products. You will learn from some of the best designers and instructors in the industry. All classes are hosted on Macintosh computers running the latest Apple system software. ADIM’s limited class size offers participants an intimate and inspiring environment to get early instruction on new applications from industry experts, ask questions, and network with others in their field.”

Before the three day ADIM conference begins, participants can take a crash course on Flash for Visual Artists: Creating an Interactive Portfolio with Photoshop and Flash from Chris Orwig, or learn Acrobat and Photoshop for the Creative Designer from Terry White at the One-Day Workshops on Wed., April 30. Participants may choose either seminar or drift between the classes, and recorded versions of both will be available for attendees of the one-day workshops.

One of the major benefits of ADIM 11 is that each attendee of the full 3 day ADIM conference will receive one of three Adobe Creative Suite 3 product editions Free (Production Premium, Web Premium, or Design premium), valued at $1600 – $1800.

The limited class size also means that the conference often fills a month or more in advance. For more information about the one day workshops and three day ADIM conference, visit

Article on Black and White Inkjet Printing in Studio Photography Magazine

I just received the February issue of Studio Photography magazine and I’m very pleased to have contributed an article in the issue on tips for getting better black and white inkjet prints. The magazine covers a lot of interesting and important topics for professional photographers, and you can subscribe, or just view the issue (or past issues) on There is an easy-to-navigate interactive version which I like a lot (click on the screen shot below to go directly to the interactive magazine). My article is on page 34-36. The article is partially excerpted from my book, 301 Inkjet Tips and Techniques.


A Few Reasons to Subscribe to’s Excellent Newsletter

For a number of years I’ve been reading “Imaging Resource News” published by the folks at It is a fantastic resource filled with photo industry news, reviews, answers to reader questions, special offers and much more. Apart from the excellent content, in the next issue, I’ll be offering two signed copies of my book, 301 Inkjet Tips and Techniques, which will be drawn randomly from the newsletter member list.


The Feb 1, 2008 issue (available in the newsletter archives) has some great info about the Nikon D300, sensor cleaning, and image sharpening. You can read past issues and  subscribe to Imaging Resource’s IR news newsletter at this link.

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