PDN to Hold Virtual Trade Show December 2-3, 2009

I recently received an e-mail about PDN’s upcoming Virtual Trade Show, being held online December 2-3, 2009. The event is free, and the webinars look very interesting. This is the second Photographers’ Virtual Trade Show (the first was held about six months ago). Over 18,000 people registered for the first event and over 10,000 logged on during each day of the show.

Selected titles of the free webinars are as follows:

Wednesday, December 2
• The Art of Wedding Photography
• The Perfect Print
• How to Master Location Lighting

Thursday, December 3
• Successful Self-Promotion in the Digital Age
• Multimedia and Video: New Opportunities for Photographers

For more information, full webinar descriptions, and to register for this free online event, visit this page.

