Recommended Photo Learning Site: Typical Shutterbug Podcast

From time to time I like to recommend outstanding blogs, podcasts, etc., and this is one of them: The Typical Shutterbug Podcast. I just listened to three recent podcasts on my iPod Touch and I highly recommend them for photographers of any level.

Victor Cajiao is someone whom I’ve known for years, and we’ve met on a few occasions at trade shows. His smiling face on the home page of his other Podcast, Typical Mac User (also highly recommended), depicts his very friendly, easy-going manner. I really like how he interviews people from many areas of the photo and video world. The product picks and suggestions from Victor and his guests, from inexpensive accessories to plug-ins and hardware at the end of most shows are particularly interesting. You will also find screencasts and slideshows on the site. A few years ago, I was also a guest on the show, which you listen to here. I also contributed a short photo tip for this show.

On the site, which you can find at www.typicalshutterbug.com, you can explore by either clicking on the play buttons inside each blog post to listen right away on your computer, or you can subscribe via iTunes (see the link in the sidebar) . Enjoy!

and I also contributed to this show.


This link will take you to the home page, where you can explore by either clicking on the play buttons to listen in the browser, or you can subscribe via iTunes from this link. Enjoy!



  • Thanks for the link to these podcasts. I enjoyed the comments from Matt Kloskowski on Lightroom tips

  • robertshell says:

    Thanks for sharing such a nice and informative blog.

  • Thank you very much for sharing “The Typical Shutterbug Podcast”. I’m sure it will help a lot of photographers improve their skills, especially those in specialized fields like business photography.

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