Free seminars online from

I recently listened to a podcast and watched an Apple Seminar that features a very successful voiceover artist, Joe Cipriano. There are a lot of great tips for choosing a microphone, tips for recording in a hotel room, tips for how to speak into a mic and how to filter your voice. Just a lot of great stuff for people interested in recording audio.

Here’s a link to the specific Apple Seminar mentioned above. It is video and requires both Apple Quicktime and registration for the Apple Seminar to watch and listen.

The Radio Show/Podcast from which I learned about these resources is Inside Mac Radio (December 9th Show).

Joe Cipriano also has some video podcasts on his blog made with the video camera built into a MacBook Pro.
For many more free online seminars, covering a wide range of Apple products, visit the main seminar page at

All the best,


