Resources and Imaging Links
These links are a collection of websites and related resources that I’ve found to be valuable.
PHOTO/IMAGING WEBSITE SUGGESTIONS FROM ANDREW DARLOW is a nicely designed site that highlights news and special offers from photo retailers. It also contains reports from photo shows and photo/imaging techniques.
Central New Jersey Photographer | Peter Dant Photography A website with an extensive collection of reviews on cloud storage companies like and, as well as other companies, such as those who offer VPN (Virtual Private Networks), which are used by people who don’t want to use public WiFi hotspots or other networks due to security concerns. I like the way they write their reviews, and I also like how they accept both positive and negative reviews from people (generally users who either like or don’t like the service they are reviewing) in a blog-like comments area.’s Compare Camera Lenses Comparison Engine is a great section of the website that allows you to compare many different lenses, from MSRP to focal length and weight.
Inkjet Resources Directory ( A website with a lot of good information and resources about inkjet printing. It’s written and maintained by photographer and consultant Royce Bair.
Mr. Photoshop: The website of photographer and Photoshop trainer Steve Weinrebe. Also check out Steve’s excellent blog.
Nancy Ori Workshops: A site featuring photography, painting and framing workshops by Nancy Ori, photographer and owner of New Jersey Media Center, LLC in Berkeley Heights, New Jersey. Additional classes and workshops hosted by other photographers are also available.
ONLY Mobile Art: An iOS and Android App and printed magazine highlighting art photography made with mobile devices. The work is beautifully presented and the quality of the work is stunning. If you download the app, you can view some of the issues in their entirety for free.
Photographer Tom Maugham’s website, containing many exceptional images. is the website of Colorado-based photographer and multimedia specialist Scott Carlin. Scott’s impressive work is featured throughout the site, and he shares a number of great photo sites under his links section. Scott also has an informative blog at An outstanding website with forums, galleries, tips, buyer’s guides and much more. Here is a link to some of the articles I’ve written for the site.
Photofocus is a fantastic website and podcast. The show is a treasure trove of helpful advice about lenses, imaging software, digital cameras, photo-related sites and photo techniques. I have also had the honor of being a guest on a few of their shows.
Geek News Central is a great website and podcast run by Todd Cochrane. The podcast and site covers many topics, including: Apple Computer and Mac OSX news; Microsoft and Vista news; space exploration; alternative energy; blogging and podcasting tips and advice; and a lot more. I highly suggest signing up for the newsletter because it contains many links from the stories discussed on the show, as well as additional links sent in by listeners. Todd has also visited the CES trade show over the last few years, and I’ve found his video coverage to be very good.
The Free Backup Course for Mac Users Website and Podcast is a site and podcast created by Andrew Darlow, the “Backup Now Guy”.

Free Backup Course Logo for the Free Backup Course for Mac Users Podcast by Andrew Darlow of
Here are just a few of the topics Andrew will be covering on the Podcast:
– How to choose the right hardware, like hard drives, SSDs, battery backups to help keep your data and devices safe;
– SSD, docks and other equipment purchasing recommendations; and
– How to choose and set up online backup options like iCloud, Backblaze and Crashplan
CLICK HERE to visit and to Download the ULTIMATE BACKUP BLUEPRINT FOR MAC USERS for free (it’s a visual guide that shows you how I set up backup systems for myself and my customers)