Two photo competition deadlines (one 9/14/2007 the other 9/21/2007)

I’d like to let people know about two photo competitions being run by three organizations I highly respect, and of which I’m a member or subscriber. The first is the CameraArts Showcase Edition contest. In association with The Center for Fine Art Photography (Ft. Collins, CO) CameraArts magazine is filling the pages of its November/December 2007 issue with the work of the winners of four categories, and the Grand Prize is the cover. The deadline for entries is Friday 9/14 (today) and for more info, visit The Center for Fine Art Photography.

I am a member of The Center For Fine Art Photography’s Ambassador’s Circle, which is a group of volunteers who help to share information about events and calls for entry. More information about the Ambassadors’ program can be found on The Center’s Website. I also subscribe to CameraArts magazine and I highly recommend it for anyone who likes to see beautifully printed photography and well-written essays and technical articles about photography.

The second competition is organized by the APA (Advertising Photographers of America), and is entitled: “Silver to Pixels.” APA is celebrating 25 Years with this competition, which offers photographers a great way to showcase their work and win national recognition from leaders in the photographic and advertising industry. APA welcomes submissions via online entry at and has extended the deadline for entries to September 21 at Midnight EST. I’ve been a member of APA/NY for over 5 years and I’ve met and learned from many other photographers at APA events over the years, and through APAnet and APAdigital, two online forums open to both members and non-members.

