Very Good Reviews of the Canon EOS Rebel XSi (aka EOS 450D/Kiss X2 Digital)

I just read the review posted on popphoto.com for the Canon EOS Rebel XSi (aka EOS 450D/Kiss X2 Digital). The review gives a good overview with some testing results that I found very interesting. The writer also describes how the camera differs in a few ways from past Rebels, as well as the Canon EOS-40D. The camera’s new 12.2 megapixel sensor and dust reduction sensor look very interesting as well. I had a chance to play with one at a camera store a few weeks ago and really like the 3-inch display and overall feel of the camera.

Another site that I often consult for reviews, imaging-resource.com, also has a very good review of the camera. Their review also has many downloadable sample images photographed with the camera, as well as a nice overview of the camera controls.

I came across another site, www.the-digital-picture.com, which has another very good review of the Rebel XSi. I especially like the site’s collection of “hover-able” image tests (that must have taken a while to compile). I also like how the author lists the estimated shutter life of a number of DSLR’s. According to the author, Canon has not published the estimated shutter life of the Rebel XSi.

Last but not least, dpreview.com, another site I often consult for camera reviews, has a very good overview of the Rebel XSi, as well as a number of “real world” test images. You can view their gallery of Canon Rebel XSi images here.

Links to reviews of the Canon Rebel XSi referenced above:
PopPhoto.com’s review
Imaging-Resource.com’s review
the-digital-picture.com’s review
dpreview.com’s review

Canon’s main EOS page for Canon DSLR’s, Lenses, Lighting and Accessories


  • Jim Faye says:

    Thanks for the new sites I hadn\’t seen yet!
    Don\’t forget the venerable
    I have found his reviews and archive info to be invaluable!
    I have been enjoying your book as well… keep up the good work!

  • Andrew says:

    Hi Jim:

    The website did not appear above. Please indicate it as https://www.

    I wonder if you are speaking of dpreview.com?

    All the best,


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