about our reviews & ads

The reviews in the right hand column are usually concise summaries of longer reviews that Andrew Darlow has done for The Imaging Buffet or for other publications or websites.

We have a strict policy against “Pay for Play,” which means that we will not accept payment to promote products editorially. All product, software and movie reviews are presented honestly and always with fellow photographers and other consumers in mind. We know how important this is and we encourage readers to let us know how you feel about the reviews on our site.

Any paid advertisements on The Imaging Buffet will be marked with the word advertisement above or in the ad, or with the words “Sponsored By.”

In most cases the links to product websites or to online stores like Amazon.com are referral links, which means that if readers click on them and make a purchase, a percentage of the sale will be paid to us. In virtually every case, the prices will be either lower than or the same as if a visitor entered the store’s URL directly. If you would prefer not to use the referral links, just do a search for the product using a search engine, or type the URL of an online retailer directly into your browser.

Thanks for visiting!

Andrew Darlow & the entire Imaging Buffet family