Author Archives: GDTEST
Author Archives: GDTEST
I just read a great article by Scott Bourne of about how to unbox a new camera. I think that posts like this are outstanding and rarely covered because they are not necessarily “sexy.”
To add a small item on a related subject, I think that testing all the lenses you own with the camera on a tripod, shooting at a map or other flat object using autofocus at a fairly wide open aperture (f4 or f5.6) in good lighting can help to determine if the sensor and lens are properly in sync with regard to focus (many lenses have “issues” in one or more of the corners of the frame, which can show up as slight blurriness/darkening/chromatic aberrations). If all your lenses show a problem (such as blurriness in the same area), that may point to a problem with the sensor.
You can read Scott’s 15 steps here on The comments from readers/listeners of the site are also always worth a look.
I just listened to an excellent interview between photographer/author Michael Freeman and Victor Cajiao, host of The Typical Mac User blog/podcast, and The Typical Shutterbug blog/podcast .
I enjoy listening to photographers talk about photography, and this interview is no exception. Michael Freeman shares a lot of good info about composition, as well as many other topics, and Victor Cajiao has a great way of communicating with his guests.
I also contributed 5 tips related to composition for the show. That audio follows the interview.
A direct link to the audio interview and my 5 tips segment can be found here.
Nancy Ori of the New Jersey Media Center, LLC is conducting a number of Photography, Painting and Other Creative Workshops this summer in beautiful Cape May, NJ. Some of the workshop titles and instructors include:
– April 26-29_Getting Up To Speed With Photoshop and Inkjet Printing with Don Polzo;
– April 26-29_Natural Light with Nancy Ori;
– April 29– May 3 _Cape May Masters Photography Workshop with Chip Forelli;
– May 6 – 9_Photographing People and Places with Harvey Stein;
– April 29- May 3 _Painting in Watercolor with Mindy Lighthipe; and
– May 6- 9_Oil Painting in the Landscape with Gerry Heydt.
This workshop series looks to be an outstanding opportunity both for photographers and for those who want to further explore painting and drawing. I’ve conducted a number of workshops at Nancy Ori Studios over the past year, and I think that she does a great job with everything related to the entire process.
For more information, or to register for a workshop, visit
Nancy Ori can be reached at 908-790-882 or via-mail: [email protected]