
Category Archives for "NEWS"

Upcoming Events in NYC In Association with

I was just sent an e-mail from (publisher of Aperture magazine and many outstanding books), so I thought I’d share these upcoming events (most if not all are free to attend). The Projected Image panel discussion looks particularly interesting because it’s amazing how the scale of an image, as well as the medium (think Times Square with its colossal images), can impact the viewer. There’s nothing like sitting in a darkened room with large images projected as a photographer or other artist speaks about his or her work.


Speaking from experience, if you have a chance to see great photographers like Joel Meyerowitz or Jay Maisel show and speak about their work in a location with high quality projection equipment, I think you’ll be speechless. I know I was.

Below are links to the events:
Events with Joel Meyerowitz
The Projected Image

I recently wrote about Joel Meyerowitz’s outstanding new books and exhibition at the Museum of the City of NY here:

There are other events, including a holiday sale happening in December at Aperture. Check for more info.


The Photo Review Benefit Auction Preview Exhibition and Benefit Auction 11/21/2009

I write a column just about every other week for, and for the edition just published (click here to read), I included this info: On Friday and Saturday, 11/20 and 11/21/2009, there will be a Preview Exhibition of The Photo Review Benefit Auction. It will be held at the Dorrance-Hamilton Building, Broad and Pine Streets, on Friday, November 20 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and on Saturday, November 21 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., just prior to the auction. The online auction listing is also available for bidding, and is well worth a look. Each of the 252 photographs are available for viewing as a thumbnail or at a larger size on this page:

On Saturday, November 21, a Benefit Auction and Special Reception will be held at The University of the Arts in Philadelphia, PA. For more information, visit:


The Photo Review is an outstanding journal that I receive and highly recommend, especially if you are based in the Northeast U.S. and enjoy visiting galleries in the region. The listings of exhibitions, photo-related events, book reviews and workshops is extensive. Here is a quick overview of The Photo Review from their website:

“Publishing since 1976, The Photo Review covers photography events throughout the country and serves as a central resource for the Mid-Atlantic region. With incisive reviews, exciting portfolios, lively interviews, the latest in books and exhibitions, The Photo Review quarterly journal has earned a reputation as one of the best serious photography publications being produced today.

In past years, The Photo Review has presented previously unpublished images by Weegee, Duane Michals, and Frederick Sommer and cataloguesfor a James VanDerZee exhibition, a show of Lois Greenfield’s dynamic dance photographs, and the exhibition ‘Changing Visions of the American Landscape.’ Most recently, we have extended our coverage to include the European scene, with reports from Documenta and Arles, and regular reports from FotoFest.”

PDN to Hold Virtual Trade Show December 2-3, 2009

I recently received an e-mail about PDN’s upcoming Virtual Trade Show, being held online December 2-3, 2009. The event is free, and the webinars look very interesting. This is the second Photographers’ Virtual Trade Show (the first was held about six months ago). Over 18,000 people registered for the first event and over 10,000 logged on during each day of the show.

Selected titles of the free webinars are as follows:

Wednesday, December 2
• The Art of Wedding Photography
• The Perfect Print
• How to Master Location Lighting

Thursday, December 3
• Successful Self-Promotion in the Digital Age
• Multimedia and Video: New Opportunities for Photographers

For more information, full webinar descriptions, and to register for this free online event, visit this page.

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