
Category Archives for "NEWS"

Photographer/author Michael Freeman Interviewed on, Plus Some Additional Tips

I just listened to an excellent interview between photographer/author Michael Freeman and Victor Cajiao, host of The Typical Mac User blog/podcast, and The Typical Shutterbug blog/podcast .


I enjoy listening to photographers talk about photography, and this interview is no exception. Michael Freeman shares a lot of good info about composition, as well as many other topics, and Victor Cajiao has a great way of communicating with his guests.

I also contributed 5 tips related to composition for the show. That audio follows the interview.

A direct link to the audio interview and my 5 tips segment can be found here.

Photography and Other Workshops to be Held in Cape May, NJ in the Summer of 2009

Nancy Ori of the New Jersey Media Center, LLC is conducting a number of Photography, Painting and Other Creative Workshops this summer in beautiful Cape May, NJ. Some of the workshop titles and instructors include:

– April 26-29_Getting Up To Speed With Photoshop and Inkjet Printing with Don Polzo;

– April 26-29_Natural Light with Nancy Ori;

– April 29– May 3 _Cape May Masters Photography Workshop with Chip Forelli;

– May 6 – 9_Photographing People and Places with Harvey Stein;

– April 29- May 3 _Painting in Watercolor with Mindy Lighthipe; and

– May 6- 9_Oil Painting in the Landscape with Gerry Heydt.

This workshop series looks to be an outstanding opportunity both for photographers and for those who want to further explore painting and drawing. I’ve conducted a number of workshops at Nancy Ori Studios over the past year, and I think that she does a great job with everything related to the entire process.

For more information, or to register for a workshop, visit

Nancy Ori can be reached at 908-790-882 or via-mail: [email protected]


Founder of The Center for Fine Art Photography, Larry Padgett, Starts Consulting/Marketing Business for Photographers

Many people who read The Imaging Buffet know that I’ve been involved in a number of ways with The Center for Fine Art Photography in Ft. Collins, CO. I am a member of The Center’s Ambassador’s Circle, which is a group of volunteers who help to share information about events and calls for entry. I was also the juror for two shows (you can read the articles about them here and here), and I conducted a lecture about inkjet tips, printers and papers a few years ago in conjunction with The Center.

The founder of The Center for Fine Art Photography, Larry Padgett, recently stepped down as The Center’s Executive Director to focus on consulting and marketing services for photographers. I’ve had many positive experiences working with Larry over the last few years, and I believe that he has a lot of experience and knowledge to offer photographers. Below is a portion of the press release containing additional info:

Larry Padgett, founder of The Center for Fine Art Photography, has recently begun offering his knowledge and expertise in business development, marketing and sales to photographers. With more than 30 years experience, of which the past 15 years have been concentrated in photography, Larry offers a wealth of practical guidance for emerging and established photographers.

Larry provides one-on-one consulting, lectures and workshops for those who want to increase their sales and visibility. He also offers workshops on Internet marketing. During his five-year tenure with the Center, he quickly established its Google page rank to 6 out of 10, and within the top 10 returns in excess of 65 million for fine art photography.

Dedicated to helping fine art and commercial photographers achieve their goals, Larry provides guidance in integrating imagery, marketing materials and sales strategies tailored to the specific needs, resources and personalities of his clients. He easily relates to the challenges of being a successful photographer having spent more than ten years as a successful commercial and fine art photographer

For more information about Larry Padgett and his services, visit

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