
Category Archives for "NEWS"

Photography Art Center Raises Funds for Sichuan China Earthquake

At FotoFest 2008 in Houston, Texas, I had the opportunity to meet many photographers from China who are a part of the Three Shadows Photography Art Centre, based in Beijing. I will never forget that experience. I learned a lot about the history of China and saw a lot of amazing work in multiple exhibitions by contemporary artists, and artists who worked and lived in the early-to-mid 20th century.

On May 12, 2008, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck China’s Sichuan province, and I recently received the announcement below, which gives a very good overview of a charity benefit auction that helped raise over $80,000 for the China Red Cross’ fund for Sichuan Earthquake Disaster Relief. My heartfelt thoughts go out to all those who have been affected and who continue to suffer in the aftermath of this disaster.


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Fascinating Article on About Converting a Home to Almost 100% Solar Power

Just over four months ago, I highlighted an article by tech journalist Loyd Case of At that time, he was considering solar panels for the roof of his home. You can read that article here.

Fast forward a bit, and Case has done a great job of outlining the steps he took to research, get quotes for, and have installed a 6.1KW system that “came in at around $36K (not counting permit fees).”

I hope that he has much success with this system, and that his experience is a good example for others to follow.

The ExtremeTech article can be found here.

In Memoriam: Cornell Capa, Photographer and Founding Director of ICP

I just learned that Cornell Capa passed away. He was the founding director of ICP (The International Center of Photography), and brother of photojournalist and founder of Magnum Photos, Robert Capa. ICP played a big part in my education, and my decision to become a photographer. Mr. Capa’s documentary work and contributions to the art of photography were significant, and he will be missed.

More information about Cornell Capa’s life (1918-2008), and a portfolio of images can be found here on
Another portfolio of images by Cornell Capa can be found on Magnum Photos’ website.

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