
Category Archives for "PHOTOGRAPHY"

Two Recent Articles on Factors to Consider when Choosing an Inkjet Printer

I recently wrote two pretty long articles for covering factors to consider when choosing an inkjet printer. When all was said and done, I wrote about 7000 words total for both articles thanks to the number of printers on the market, as well as the many topics to consider before making an investment in a printer (from costs to RIP options). I added information about my personal experiences with inkjet printers, and I included a number of printer model names and specific suggestions throughout the article. The first covers printers up to 17 inches in width, and the second covers printers up to 44 inches in width (the widest paper size that can fed into a printer).

You can read the articles by visiting the links below:


Peter Read Miller Leads 7th Annual Sports Photo Workshop 4/4-10, 2011

Peter Read Miller is one of the most acclaimed sports photographers in the world, and this workshop looks like a great opportunity for anyone who wants to learn more about how to shoot sports-related assignments. Four additional instructors and speakers are joining Peter Read Miller during the workshop, which will undoubtably add to the value of the workshop (see below for more details). The workshop, being held in Denver, CO, is limited to 25 participants, and the press release for the event, containing additional details, is copied below:


Los Angeles, CA – March 8, 2011 — World Class Sports Illustrated Photographer Peter Read Miller has announced he will conduct his annual Sports Photography Workshop in Denver, Colorado on April 4-10, 2011. The workshop, now in its 7th year and limited to only 25 attendees, will provide a personal and hands-on approach to teaching a variety of shooting and lighting techniques that have helped Miller’s photos grace more than 100 Sport Illustrated covers. Workshop participants will have an opportunity to apply their new skills to live sporting events throughout the weeklong workshop. Photographers interested in learning more about the workshop or registering to attend can visit Peter Read Miller Sports Photography Workshop.

In addition to receiving expert tutelage from Miller, attendees will also receive additional instruction from other industry notables including Steve Fine, Director of Photography at Sports Illustrated, Grant Leighton, advertising / portrait photographer and instructor at U. of Colorado (Denver), photographer / videographer Max Morse, and Shawn Cullen, lighting technician at Sports Illustrated.

Learning to take better “action” photographs is only one aspect of the workshop. Attendees will also learn how to properly light subjects using strobes — in the studio and on location — arena lighting and how to set up and use remote cameras.

“It’s very rewarding for me to see the quality of work students are producing toward the end of the workshop and their enthusiasm and passion for photography makes the entire experience both educational and a lot of fun,” explains Peter Read Miller. “Everyone leaves the workshop a better sports photographer and some have gone on to find work with professional sports teams, Getty Images and other newswires.”

Tuition for the workshop is $1,495 and includes all instruction, one-on-one portfolio review with Peter Read Miller, and all model/location fees. Workshop attendees are responsible for their own travel arrangements including air and hotel. Special hotel rates have been made with the Marriott in Denver.

For more information or to register for this workshop, visit this page.


Some News: Upcoming Workshops and Recently Published Articles

Hi folks! It’s been a while since my last post, and that’s partly due to the fact that I’ve been using my Facebook page as a way to share links to articles, contests, gallery shows and other items I find interesting. Even if you don’t have a Facebook profile, you can see the most recent highlighted stories and links directly to them on and one of my other sites, (look for the blue box in the right column of the site).

I’ve also been writing for some other sites, including and But I haven’t forgotten about you. Look for some reviews and other articles soon, right here on The Imaging Buffet. And with Valentine’s Day in the recent past, I thought I’d share one of my photos: an adorable Boston Terrier named Cupid, who graced the pages of Studio Photography Magazine (February issue of course) a few years back.


Below are some highlighted articles from the recent past, as well as some upcoming workshops that I’ll be conducting in the tri-state area of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

Recent Articles

I just wrote an article for entitled: Factors to Consider when Choosing a Photo-Quality Inkjet Printer. To read the article, visit this page.

A few months back, I had a pet photography article published on (and if you haven’t played any of the Phoozl photo games, I highly recommend them). To read the article, visit this page.

I recently wrote an article for entitled: The 13-inch-wide Epson Stylus Photo R3000 Announced: Overview and Comments. To read the article, visit this page.

and to see all my articles on, including one that describes changes to the Photoshop CS5 Print Dialog Box, visit this page.

I was also quite honored to be one of four photographers and a commercial printer interviewed for a recent (PDN) Photo District News Article by Dan Havlik entitled Living Large: Photographers use the latest large-format inkjet printers and materials to print big for maximum impact. You can find it in the March, 2011 issue of PDN (pages 29-34). For an overview of the March issue, visit this page.

Upcoming Printing Workshops in NJ, NY and PA

I’m happy to announce that I’ll be trekking across the tri-state region in the upcoming months with workshops in New Jersey, New York City and Philadelphia. Below are some quick links to four upcoming workshops (and there are more to come)

1. I’m teaching a full-day color management/fine-art inkjet printing workshop on Saturday March 19, 2011 in Philadelphia, PA at Calumet Photographic. I expect to use an Epson Stylus Pro 3880 (17-inch-wide) and/or a Canon PIXMA Pro 9500 Mark II (13 inch wide) for attendee prints and for explaining a step-by-step Photoshop workflow. For more information, visit this page.

2. I’ll be teaching a very similar workshop with similar printers at Calumet New York City on April 23, 2011. For more information, visit this page.

3. And to round out my tri-state tour for now, I’ll be doing a two-day weekend workshop in Northern New Jersey at Peters Vallery Craft Center May 21-22, 2011. I expect to use an Epson Stylus Pro 3880 for this workshop. For more information, visit this page.

I’m also available for private instruction in your home, studio, via phone, or via remote desktop (with your permission, I can take over your screen and mouse-actually we can both use the mouse). All readers who mention that they saw the offer here can take 20% off any of my private consulting services if reserved by 3/1/2011. For more information, visit this page.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me directly here:

All the best!


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