
Category Archives for "NEWS"

Quick Review: Rangefinder October 2008 Issue

I just received the Rangefinder October 2008 issue, which is published by Rangefinder Publishing. It is the Fine Art Issue, and weighs in at 250 pages. It is truly spectacular, and that’s why I’m taking time to mention it. As a former Editorial Director of a photo-related magazine (Digital Imaging, and later renamed Digital Imaging Techniques), I know how much work goes into to putting together a magazine (and Rangefinder is much bigger than the one that I worked on).

rangefinderoct2008.jpgHere are a few reasons why I think the issue is so impressive:

• The art portfolios, well-written articles and advice from many photographers, including Eric Meola, Lois Greenfeld, Michael Eastman, Mary McGrath, Andy Katz and others are truly stunning;
• The layout and design of the issue (as usual) is fantastic.
• The imagery and tips from “My Lessons from the Lemon Grove” by Deanna Urs are excellent;
• The new Promo Guide, with special offers on a wide range of products and services is well thought-out and organized;
• John Rettie’s overviews of the Canon EOS 5D Mark II, Adobe CS4 and onOne Software’s Focal Point are very informative.

I was also very happy to see that many of the articles are available as downloadable PDFs on this page of the Rangefinder website.

It’s also great that the printed magazine is free to qualified photographic professionals. You can find the page to submit your information for a free print subscription here.

Over the last year, I’ve contributed some of my images and tips to a few Rangefinder and AfterCapture articles. They are available below for download.

Related Links:

• Rangefinder’s sister publication primarily dedicated to more technical digital photo topics: AfterCapture magazine. AfterCapture’s archives can be found here, and like Rangefinder’s print subscription, the print version of AfterCapture is also available free to qualified photographic professionals. You can find the subscription page here.

• Feature article in the July 2008 Rangefinder Magazine: Andrew Darlow: Serving Up a Buffet of Imaging and Output Tips (downloadable PDF)

• February 2008 article in AfterCapture Magazine to which I contributed images and printing tips: MarketingMojo: Your Future is an Open Book (downloadable PDF)

Take Control E-Books 50% Off Sale Ends Tuesday 10/14/2008

I just received my weekly TidBITS e-mail in my in-box with this announcement. TidBITS is a great newsletter published by TidBITS Publishing Inc. I’ve purchased a few of the Take Control e-books over the years and I’ve listened to many of the authors discuss their e-books on one of my favorite Podcasts: MacVoices with Chuck Joiner.


The company is having a 50% off sale until end of day on 10/14/2008, which is a great value since many of the books are in the $10-15 range to begin with. There are currently 58 Take Control e-books on a wide range of Mac-related subjects, and according to the post by Adam Engst that describes their 5th Anniversary sale, some of the most popular titles to date have been Joe Kissell’s “Take Control of Mac OS X Backups,” and Glenn Fleishman’s books on AirPort networking. I’ve read Adam Engst’s and Glenn Fleishman’s Wireless Networking Starter Kit and consider it an incredibly well-written and researched book (it is a printed book).

Of course, technology changes fast, so publishing books as e-books has helped TidBITS make many titles possible that may not have been possible had they been published in printed form. Plus, the Take Control authors will often update their books and make the updated PDFs available at no charge, which is a great bonus for those who buy the e-books.

You can find out more about the 50% off sale Take Control e-books on the TidBITS site here. The direct link with the coupon code can be found on that page about four lines into the article.

Epson Print Academy Launches New 15 City Tour

Over the last few years I’ve attended two Epson Print Academy live events in New York City, and I’ve also reviewed the Epson Online Experience, which was an online training series that featured many of the videos that were produced for the live Epson Print Academy events. After both of the Print Academy events I attended, I came away with a lot of information that helped me make better photos, files and prints. You can read an overview of my experience at The Epson Print Academy in 2006 here.

The newest Epson Print Academy has just been announced, with a 15-city tour that begins on Nov. 8 in Atlanta, GA and continues through May 2009 with stops throughout North America.

After seeing many framed prints output on the new Epson Stylus Pro 7900 and 9900 on Epson Premium Semi-gloss Photo Paper at a recent press event, I think that attendees will be very impressed by the prints that they see at the Print Academy, as well as the knowledge that they gain there.

The people teaching truly know printmaking and file preparation, and the companies who will have tables at the event also add to the value of the program. For example, just seeing SoLux bulbs in use at the event and asking questions about different beam spreads, intensity and color temperature can help anyone better light their work in a gallery, a studio or at home.

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