
Category Archives for "PHOTOGRAPHY"

One Hour Street/Travel Photography and Lightroom 4 Video Available

In February, 2013, I made a one-hour Lightroom tips and street photography webinar replay video available to my newsletter subscribers.

To receive a link and password for the video, just sign up to receive my newsletter (also includes 12 tips from my book, 301 Inkjet Tips and Techniques, a free PDF Resolution Chart for determining sizes for printing), by entering your first name and e-mail below (if you already receive it, the system will let you know right away). Please be sure to confirm your subscription (a confirmation e-mail will arrive in your in-box) after you subscribe. You will then receive an e-mail with the password, as well as a link to the page where you can view the Lightroom video.

First Name: 300 InkjetTips Book Resizing Chart

We respect your privacy. Your e-mail will never be shared or sold.

I hope that you enjoy the content, and thanks again for attending my talk!


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Upcoming Full-Day Photography and Lightroom Workshops in NJ

I recently announced on my Facebook Photo and Printing Tips Page a new full day workshop that I’m doing on two different days (1/26 and 1/27/2013) at Alfa Art Gallery in New Brunswick, NJ entitled: “Travel/Street Photography Techniques and Lightroom 4 Workshop.” It’s geared toward digital SLR (DSLR) and “Mirrorless” camera users. I think it will be especially useful for people who are struggling to properly organize and back up their images. In this workshop, I will cover street/travel photo tips and also share the same workflow I use with my private consulting clients to help them get their photo collections in order so that they can then start concentrating on making great images and prints.

I would like to offer a $40 discount via the promo code “IMB4” (no quotes), which you can enter in the bottom right of the registration section. Please also note that I’m offering a one hour follow-up private phone consultation to everyone who registers by Monday, 1/21.

For more information about the Sat. 1/26 workshop, please visit this page:

and for more information about the Sun. 1/27 workshop, please visit this page:

And in case you are interested in how I created the looping gallery of images on the workshop pages (and shown above), I created a Collection of the photos I wanted in Lightroom 4, then put them in the order I wanted (you can only do that if your photos are in a Collection). I then went into the Slideshow Module and set a number of options. I then Exported the slideshow as a movie (located in the bottom left of the left panel). I then imported it into my account, set the options I wanted (including autoplay), got the embed code and entered it into the html section of the editor (workshop page) and the WordPress editor ( site).

I hope to see you there!


Thoughts on 2012 and New Year Wishes

Trying to summarize a year in just a few sentences or photographs is not possible, but let me begin by wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year. As someone who has lived in the Northeast USA for my entire life (including during the recent Hurricane/Storm Sandy), it was difficult to see so many people suffer during and after the storm. My immediate family was very fortunate; apart from a week or so without power, our homes were spared from serious damage. However, relatives who live in New York City were not so lucky. They had many feet of water enter the basement of their home, but thank goodness, no one was injured, and they will be able to stay in their home.

A fallen tree in a park near my home in Piscataway, NJ, photographed a few days after Super Storm Sandy toppled it and countless other trees. Photo © Andrew Darlow

About a year ago, in March of 2011, many of Japan’s citizens were severely affected by a terrible tsunami (over 15,000 lost their lives and about a million buildings were damaged or destroyed*). Having lived in Japan with a family for a few months after high school, then for a year during college, and having traveled across Japan about 10 years later, it was very difficult to see the reports that would come in via TV and the internet.

For me and my family, 2012 was a good year and we have much to be thankful for. One of the highlights was a trip with about 20 family members to Orlando, Florida. It was pretty exhausting, but my son and his cousins had a great time, and my wife and I were able to return to one of our favorite places in the world: the World Showcase at Epcot (she even helped my son fill his “passport” with stamps from each country, which is no easy task!). We were also able to make quite a few day trips throughout the Spring, Summer and Fall of 2012 to the amusement and water parks along the Jersey shore, including Point Pleasant and Keansburg, NJ (heavily damaged during the storm, as you can see by this video).

In 2012, I was also fortunate to meet many new people and connect with longtime friends at workshops, during private consultations, via e-mail, and in various forums/newsgroups. Consulting, teaching and writing are not just what I do for a living; all of those things give me great satisfaction, and the comments I receive from people about how I may have helped them in some way to reach their goals in the areas of photography, printing, etc. make it all worthwhile.

My wife, son and me at our hotel in Orlando, FL during a family trip.

From me and my family to you and yours, thank you for your interest in my comments, tips and thoughts over the years, and I wish you all the best for a very Happy New Year!

-Andrew Darlow

*Source: Wikipedia

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