The Common Path to Uncommon Success by John Lee Dumas Available Tues. 3/23/2021 – Grab Your Bonuses Today!

It’s difficult to put into words how much I’ve learned over the last six years or so from John Lee Dumas and his fiance´ Kate Erickson through their podcasts, courses, talks and their many guests/co-hosts. Today (3/22/2021) is the last day to receive some AWESOME bonuses when you purchase a copy of the new book: The Common Path to Uncommon Success by John Lee Dumas. To find out more about the book and to collect your bonuses, visit THIS PAGE:

The Common Path to Uncommon Success book by John Lee Dumas

Hands On First Look of the New Platyball Ballheads and Their Kickstarter Ends Soon

I recently had a chance to see and touch two groundbreaking photo ballheads at Imaging USA 2020 in Nashville, TN called the Platyball Ergo and Platyball Elite. The main reason why I’m excited about them is the way in which they can “lock down” a camera and lens with just a few presses of a button on the front. They also, due to their inverted design, allow you to take panoramic images while keeping the horizon level. The one Platyball prototype that I tested at the show (Platyball Elite) felt very solid when I held it in my hand, and it responded well when I pressed the buttons on the front. I also have to give the manufacturer props for the way they made the Quick Release (QR) work. I’m not a big fan of the way most Arca-type QR systems work, but they’ve designed an elegant turning mechanism that looks to me to be a big improvement.

The best way to truly see how the Platyball works, and why it’s different from all other ballheads, I would highly recommend taking a look at these two videos:


A Note About ALL Kickstarter Campaigns

As Sharky James, host of the PetaPixel podcast always says: “Kickstarter is NOT a store,” so it is possible that you will not receive this product, or anything that you back on Kickstarter. However, based on my experience as a backer of multiple Platypods (another fantastic product which you can find by searching for the word: platypod), I have faith that the company will deliver quality products on time.

Where to Find Out More or Order a Platyball

Because I believe that the Platyball Ergo and Platyball Elite products are worth recommending, I have decided to use the Kickbooster platform to become an affiliate for this campaign, which means that I will receive a small commission if you use my link to visit the campaign site and make a purchase. You can also just search on your favorite search engine for Platyball if you’d prefer not to use my link for any reason. To see the Platyball’s campaign on Kickstarter (Ends Sun. 3/15/2020 at 4:30PM EST) , visit THIS PAGE.

Join me at Imaging USA 2020 in Nashville, Plus Some Very Special Offers!

I’m packing my bags for Music City, (a.k.a. Nashville, TN) to attend and speak at Imaging USA 2020. I’m honored and excited to have the opportunity to meet some of the 10,000+ photographers who are expected to attend. According to the show’s website, “It’s the longest-running photographic conference, trade show, and exhibit in the USA,” dating back to 1880–I think that was a bit before the first digital camera!

Andrew Darlow comparing a screen to a print to help promote his talk at Imaging USA 2020.

Back to the year 2020, I invite you to join me at Imaging USA 2020, either during my talk in the PRINT for Success Theater (Booth #957) on Sun. 1/19/2020 from 1:00-1:30pm, or at the booth on one of the days and times shown below. I am a customer of and they’ve been very kind to spend some time in their booth to answer questions and also give away one of my absolute FAVORITE products, their PlayBook Video Player.
Andrew Darlow's schedule at Imaging USA 2020

The title of my talk is: Monitor to Print Matching Made Easy, and I’ll be covering step-by-step workflows as well as secrets that I’ve uncovered in my 25+ year career as a professional photographer and consultant. The first 60 people to arrive will receive a GalleryPouch™ bag, two pre-cut mats, and a full-color calibration print (a $20+ combined retail value). I Hope to See You There! To register, visit the show’s site HERE.


As indicated in the image above, Frame Destination (, a Dallas and Internet-based supplier of fine-art photography picture frames and framing supplies, is sponsoring my talk at Imaging USA 2020, and I thank them for their support. I’ve been a customer of Frame Destination for many years, and I’m happy to announce that a product idea that I brought to them, called the GalleryPouch™, is Celebrating its 10 Year Anniversary! GalleryPouch™ is a custom bubble bag that acts like a pillow of protection for framed artwork and many other uses. Made of smooth, 3/16-inch thick durable polyethylene bubble (smooth on both sides), GalleryPouch™ was created to help you guard artwork against damage during transport or storage. Each bubble wrap sleeve is sealed on three sides, and its opening is available with either a flap or resealable Velcro® brand closure. Frame Destination can create custom sizes for you from envelope size to 52 x 156 inches.

To mark the anniversary, Frame Destination has created some very special offers, including $10,000 in savings and free products! This is a perfect time to stock up or try out a GalleryPouch™. Below are the active codes:

• TAKE $10 OFF any GalleryPouch™ ORDER* (Use CODE: GP10YEARS), or
• TAKE 20% OFF any GalleryPouch™ ORDER* (Use CODE: GPSAVE20)
(Excludes shipping. For orders to USA addresses only.)

Andrew Darlow demonstrating the GalleryPouch™ Custom Bubble Bagbag

To see a video overview of me demonstrating the GalleryPouch™ bag (shown above), or to order, visit

